Muscle biopsy without pain management
She could feel the knife slowly slice through her arm. First her skin, then her muscle, as she lay on the operating table - with no pain relief - during or after.
8 X-rays and 12 years later...
Born with thoracic outlet syndrome, Jessica had a rib fused to her cervical spine which caused severe pain and compression to veins & nerves.
has it happened to you?
Do you have a medical gaslighting story to tell? Fill out a contact form & we’ll get back to you soon. We need to spread the word about the different ways this happens – and make it stop.
Patients in action
What confuses people is that we can have a good hour, day, week, or month where we look “healthy,” “fine,” or “normal.” Unfortunately, they don’t see the rest of the time, when we’re in the couch, in bed, or stuck in the bathroom. Or worse, the emergency room.
Medical staff see this & think we’re making up our symptoms. That’s where some medical gaslighting starts.